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SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018

SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018

SSC has released the SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018 for Tier I exam scheduled from 4th to 26th March 2018. The admit card for SSC CHSL Tier I exam is released region-wise. Candidates who have registered for the exam can now download the admit card for their region from the official links provided below.
To download the SSC CHSL Admit Card, candidates are required to login to the official website of SSC through the link provided on this page. Candidate will require Registration Number/Roll Number and the Password/D.O.B while logging in.
SSC will release the Admit Card for SSC CHSL separately for different levels of Examination, i.e. Admit Card for Tier-I will be rolled out first followed by Admit Card for Tier-II and so on. Admit Card for Tier-II will be issued to candidates who have qualified Tier-I Exam. Similarly, Admit Card for Tier-III will be issued to candidates who have cleared the Tier-II Exam.

Download SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018

Meanwhile, here are the steps that you'll have to follow to download the SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018.
1. Visit the official website provided above
2. Click on the link to download SSC CHSL 2018 Admit Card for your Region
3.Enter your Registration Number/Roll Number followed by your D.O.B to procure the admit card
4. Select the area which you preferred while applying for the exam.
5. Take a print of the downloaded admit card
In case you forgot your Registration Number/Roll Number, follow the steps mentioned below to procure your SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018.
1.Visit the official website
2. Click on the link to download SSC CHSL 2018 Admit Card for your Region
3.Enter your Name followed by your Father’s Name and D.O.B to procure the admit card
4.Select the area which you preferred while applying for the exam.
4.Retrieve the Registration Number/Roll Number and follow the steps to download the SSC CHSL Admit Card.
6. Take a print of the downloaded admit card
